Megahits 5
Megahits 5 (1994)(GTI - Rhein-Main-Soft)(DE)(Disc 2 of 2)[!].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
274 lines
/* $Log: globals.h,v $
* Revision 0.8 92/11/23 19:47:02 19:47:02 bt (Bo Thide')
* Fixed resolution bug. Portable downloading. Added/changed options. PJXL color support
* Revision 0.7 92/11/13 02:41:17 02:41:17 bt (Bo Thide')
* More bug fixes and improvements. Support for PaintJet XL
* Revision 0.6 92/11/10 21:48:43 21:48:43 bt (Bo Thide')
* Bug fixes. Added -R option. Better font handling.
* Revision 0.5 92/11/09 16:25:50 16:25:50 bt (Bo Thide')
* Rewrite of dospecial.c. Extended \special support
* Revision 0.4 92/11/08 02:46:06 02:46:06 bt (Bo Thide')
* Changed to portable bit manipulations. Replaced strrstr for non-POSIX compliant C. Fixed numerous bugs. Added support for more \special's.
* Revision 0.3 92/08/24 12:43:17 12:43:17 bt (Bo Thide')
* Fixed 8 bit (dc font) support.
* Revision 0.2 92/08/23 17:28:53 17:28:53 bt (Bo Thide')
* Source cleaned up. Changed certain function calls. Removed globals.
* Revision 0.1 92/08/22 23:58:47 23:58:47 bt (Bo Thide')
* First Release.
#define BANNER "TeX Dvi to HP Print Command Language translator dvi2pcl 0.7.\n"
#define BITFILE_SUFFIX ".pcl" /* Bit file suffix */
#define BLACKBYTE '\377'
#define DEV_LJPLUS 0
#define DEV_LJ2 1
#define DEV_LJ2D 2
#define DEV_LJ2P 3
#define DEV_LJ3SI 4
#define DEV_LJ3P 5
#define DEV_PJ 10
#define DEV_PJXL 11
#define DVIFILE_SUFFIX ".dvi" /* Dvi file suffix */
#define DYNAMICFONTBASE 256 /* Start value for internal font #'s */
#define FALSE 0
#define FIX (1 << 20)
#define FMASK 7
#define FONTPATH "/%dpt/%s.%d" /* Where to look for fonts */
#define HOFFSET 200
#define MAXCHEIGHT 128 /* Max character height for printer */
#define MAXCWIDTH 128 /* Max character width for printer */
#define MAXDOWN 128 /* Max number of downloadable fonts */
#define MAXDRIFT 2 /* Max dots rounding error */
#define MAXFONTS 256 /* Max # of fonts to be used */
#define MAXPAGES 1000 /* Max # of pages of the document */
#define MAXPKSIZE 65536 /* Max .pk buffer size */
#define MAXPXLSIZE 65536 /* Max .pxl buffer size */
#define MINPRINTERMEM 122880 /* 120 KByte */
#define NAMELENGTH 255 /* Max length of file names */
#define NAMESIZE 4096 /* Max texbtuffer size for names */
#define NULL 0
#define PCLLEVEL 4 /* Default PCL level (old LaserJets) */
#define PRESCAN_OFF 0 /* Not in the prescan cycle */
#define PRESCAN_ON 1 /* In the prescan cycle */
#define RESOLUTION 300
#define SCALE 75780587.52 /* 72.27*2**20 */
#define STACKSIZE 100
#define TRUE 1
#define USGFILE_SUFFIX ".usg" /* Usage (log) file suffix */
#define VOFFSET 150
#define WHITEBYTE '\0'
/* Global type definitions */
typedef char byte;
typedef unsigned char ubyte;
typedef unsigned char bool;
#ifdef TRUE
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
#endif /* TRUE */
typedef unsigned int uint;
/* PCL font descriptor */
typedef struct {
ushort size;
ubyte descriptor;
ubyte font_type;
ubyte style_MSB;
byte reserved;
ushort baseline;
ushort cell_width;
ushort cell_height;
ubyte orientation;
bool spacing;
ushort symbol_set;
ushort pitch;
ushort height;
ushort x_height;
byte width_type;
ubyte style_LSB;
byte stroke_weight;
ubyte typeface_LSB;
ubyte typeface_MSB;
ubyte serif_style;
ubyte quality;
byte placement;
byte underl_dist;
ubyte underl_height;
ushort text_height;
ushort text_width;
ushort first_code;
ushort last_code;
ubyte pitch_ext;
ubyte height_ext;
ushort cap_height;
uint font_number;
char font_name[16];
} fdfmt;
/* PCL character descriptor */
typedef struct {
ubyte format;
bool continuation;
ubyte size;
ubyte class;
ubyte orientation;
byte reserved;
short left_offset;
short top_offset;
ushort char_width;
ushort char_height;
short delta_x;
} cdfmt;
/* Internal character information */
typedef struct {
short pk_char;
long pxl_width;
long tfm_width;
long use_count;
} charfmt;
/* Internal font information */
typedef struct {
long checksum;
long scaled_size;
long design_size;
long space;
short dir_size;
double height;
short down;
short name;
short bc;
short ec;
charfmt chr[256];
} fontfmt;
/* Internal graphic char information */
typedef struct {
short pxl_bytes;
short pxl_rows;
long x_offset;
long y_offset;
byte *pxl_pattern;
} gcharfmt;
typedef gcharfmt (*gfontfmt)[256]; /* Internal graphic font information */
/* Header part of .tfm files */
typedef struct {
short lf;
short lh;
short bc;
short ec;
short nw;
short nh;
short nd;
short ni;
short nl;
short nk;
short ne;
short np;
long cs;
long ds;
} tfmfmt;
/* Printer name and capabilities */
typedef struct {
long mem;
char name[16];
char lang[8];
} prtfmt;
/* Global variables in alphabetical order */
int actualpagecount;
cdfmt cd; /* character descriptor */
charfmt *cbase;
double conv;
double convpxl;
double convtfm;
long count[10];
int c_black;
int c_flag;
int c_height;
int c_hoffset;
int c_nib;
int c_voffset;
int c_width;
long denominator;
charfmt *drawchar();
int dyn_f;
byte *endofchardata;
int e_offset;
fdfmt fd; /* font descriptor */
long firstpage;
long firstpar();
fontfmt *font;
int fontpathlen;
fontfmt *fontptr[MAXFONTS];
gfontfmt gfont;
gfontfmt gfontptr[MAXFONTS];
bool inpostamble;
long h_offset;
bool h_posed;
int landscape;
long lastpage;
long magnification;
int manualfeed;
long maxh;
int maxs;
long maxv;
long maxhsofar;
int maxssofar;
long maxvsofar;
int maxpages;
int max_depth;
int max_width;
int max_offset;
char names[NAMESIZE];
int nextfontdown;
char *nextnamesfree;
long numerator;
int o_offset;
short outreverse;
byte *pkbase;
long pkbuffer[MAXPKSIZE];
byte *pkcharinfo();
char pkfixname[NAMELENGTH];
char pkname[NAMELENGTH];
byte *pk_ptr;
long power[8];
long prevpage;
prtfmt printer;
long printermem_used;
byte pxlbuffer[MAXPXLSIZE];
int r_offset;
int s;
long startcount[10];
int startthere[10];
int startvals;
long v_offset;
bool v_posed;
bool verbose;
long h, v, w, x, y, z;